Videos for Zimbabwe by Zimbabweans

WATCH: Job Sikhala in leg irons, Hopewell Chin’ono arrive at court

Opposition MDC Alliance Vice Chairman Job Sikhala in leg irons and journalist Hopewell Chin’ono arrive at the Harare Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

Chin’ono and Sikhala are facing similar charges as MDC Alliance spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere after a Twitter post last week saying a police officer had beaten and killed a child strapped to its mother’s back using a baton after a video of the alleged incident went viral.

The charge is being defined as “publishing or communicating false statements prejudicial to the state or alternatively undermining public confidence in law enforcement agency.”

“Basically this is fascism. An absolute dictatorship and persecution of those people whom they regard as opponents of Emmerson Mnangagwa,” fumed Sikhala.
