Julius Malema says he hopes Zimbabwean youths will rise up against Mnangagwa – WATCH

EFF leader Julius Malema offered some words of encouragement to Bobi Wine who is vying to be Uganda’s next president. Wine is going up against Yoweri Museveni, who has been president of Uganda since 1986.

Malema was speaking at a press briefing on 14 January 2021 where he also said he hopes Zimbabwean youths will pick up the challenge and rise up against President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Bobi WineEffEmmerson MnangagwaJulius MalemaYoweri Museveni
Comments (25)
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    • Xolisani Skhosana

      Vhukile Vicks Dlamini personally I think w are so tribalistic to an extent pple vote due to wat language a candidate speak rather than capabilities of a candidate

  • Chduree Dewa

    BBC Zimbabwe
    After blocking Bobi wine
    and his wife’s phones , so
    that they cannot reach out
    to their polling agents.
    Uganda Electoral Agency
    announces ,Yoweri
    Museveni has gathered 1
    536 205 votes while ,Bobi
    Wine has 674 146 in
    second batch of results
    21 mins · Public
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    Arowa chamisa weku Uganda kkk

    • Mbawa Cephas

      Chduree Dewa so you are rejoicing for what

    • Lilly Goshen


    • Tendai Maginah

      Chduree Dewa Twitter and FB blocked M7,M7 blocked Bobi,fare game.

  • mike

    Something I don’t understand abt Malema when he says the youth must stand up and challenge the gov, t… https://t.co/XvOD4nHglo

  • Charlie Jones

    Zimbabwean Youths are too naive and disinterested in rescuing Zimbabwe from Zanupf dictatorship.They have grown to accept mediocre standards of living which Youths of the 1990s found intolerable,and hence they created the platform for the formation of the real MDC in 1999.The present day youth of Zimbabwe have incredibly become accustomed to this informal “hustlers economy”as a normal way of life. Zanupf has done a successful misinformation campaign on the youth. The regime has lured them using state sponsored musicians and celebraties to become distracted from focusing on the real issues facing Zimbabwe.

    • Russell Bindura

      Charlie Jones it has become a norm especially bronco nemutoriro

    • Lukuni Femi

      Tofa Chikwenhere better be a coward than a dead hero

  • Thitakuwi Munyai

    In his dream. Let him go n stay for 2 seconds in Zim while still gat that kind of attitude. He will be sorted.

    • Itayi Tione

      Thitakuwi Munyai You are talking of a second failed banana republic that practice Law of Rule instead of Rule of Law

    • Itayi Tione

      Lemson Chirongedze Malema has not failed. Only a blind Zanoid from Chitepo ideological College will say Maleba has failed for the obvious reasons we all know

    • Lemson Chirongedze

      Itayi Tione wht has he done so far besides giving birth to morons like u?

  • Lukuni Femi

    Thank God it’s hope coz u don’t play with the crocodile #safetyfirst#

  • Japhinos Jange

    They have done that. In fact Bobi learnt a lot from Zim activists..The challenge in Zim and Uganda is dictatorship which is not in SA

  • Tendai Maginah

    Malema doesn’t encourage his followers to be violent in his country,always called for calm after elections even if when they want to fight ANC,always saying EFF will not cause bloodshed.

  • Moloko Leo Modiba

    They are just empty vessels making noise about being educated with no jobs no results nothing to substantiate their claims so they are useless

  • Par Par

    Power to the youth,for the future of our nation is upon the young nation