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Violet Gonda Productions

WATCH: Violet Gonda’s Spotlight on Zimbabwe looks at CCC nominees

Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), is choosing candidates for this year’s general elections using a new and untried system to select the candidate. With 3 months until the polls, Spotlight on Zimbabwe series asks: Will the CCC nominees, whoever they may be, have the time to canvass for votes and legal space to overcome the obstacles posed by the ruling ZANU PF party?

Who is Standing and what are the stakes in Zimbabwe’s 2022 By-elections

Saturday 26 March sees Zimbabwe’s first by-elections since the Covid pandemic struck two years ago. With the economy continuing its downward trajectory, can ZANU PF convince its supporters to stay loyal and how will the new Citizens Coalition for Change perform, and will it be able to attract supporters from the ruling party and the MDC? Where are the key constituencies and wards? Who is standing and what are the stakes in Zimbabwe’s March 2022 By-elections? ‘Spotlight on Zimbabwean elections’ presents: A By-Elections Preview’

WATCH: Spotlight on Zimbabwean Elections: Winner Takes All

Violet Gonda Productions introduces ‘Winner Takes All’ – the first episode in a new series of short video documentaries. This first series looks at the election environment in Zimbabwe. Part 1 examines events since 2018 that have changed dramatically the electoral environment and the relationship of opposition parties.